Bah. I was just putting the finishing touches to a long-arsed post explaining why I love Kevin Smith's podcasts - and why his book 'My Boring-Ass Life' is a must-read, which will keep you all chuckling for hours.
Just before hit the publish post icon, my computer crashed and lost all my carefully crafted text about how his breezy writing style is addictive, and how he hooks the reader into being entertained by the minute details of his life (It's VERY detailed. When he shits, we read about it. Watches telly in bed? Pages of it).
But, hey, it's gone now - and I can't be bothered to retype it all. It wasn't that good anyway.
Suffice to say, if you haven't already, download the podcasts from or through iTunes - and buy the book. For those who don't know Kevin Smith, he's a movie director - best known for Jay and Silent Bob I guess. I love him, and I think you will too. He's also the one person, I think, who's got a decent performance out of Ben Affleck. Seriously. Check him out in Chasing Amy.
Do you want to confess to why your computer broke? Actually, don't... it makes me look bad too.
I'll happily confess to it - after I've succeeded in my mission. I am still drawing a blank though :)
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